Academic Publication 

    • Fatah, A. A., Kuppens, L., & Langer, A. (2023). Discerning risk-takers from avoiders: Which teachers are more likely to support teaching about the violent past in Ambon, Indonesia? Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 0(0). 

    • Fatah, A. A., & Huda, M. (2023). Shaping Interfaith Perspectives: an Analysis of Indonesian Youth Views on Trust, Social Interaction, and Political Inclinations Across Secondary School. Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif18(1), 1-26. 


Academic Works in Progress 

    • Fatah, A. A. et al. Building Bridges in Islamic Academia: An Empirical Analysis of Student Active Participation and its Positive Impact on Inter-Group Relations in Indonesian Universities.

    • Fatah, A. A., & Langer,  A. History is in the eye of the beholder: an analysis of secondary school teachers’ perceptions of the causes of conflict in Ambon, Indonesia.

    • Fatah, A. A., & Langer,  A. Post-conflict reconciliation: an analysis of secondary school teachers’ perceptions of current peace development in Ambon, Indonesia.



NAVIGATING THE PAST AND PRESENT: An Exploration of Teachers’ Views on the Past Conflict, Current Peace Development, and Teaching Peace Education in Ambon, Indonesia
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Social Science
KU Leuven University, Belgium

The Impact of Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) Program: School Operational Assistance to the Household Expenditures in Education: A Case Study of Indonesia (2016)
🏅Outstanding Capstone Paper Award 2016
Master of Public Administration (MPA)
The Martin School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Kentucky

Works in Bahasa Indonesia



Fatah, A.A. et al. (2023) Dana Filantropi untuk Pembangunan di Indonesia. IIGF Institute.  [link]

Wibowo, A. et al. (on progress) BERSAMA MEMAJUKAN INDONESIA TIMUR: Membangun Infrastruktur Ekonomi Berkelanjutan yang Inklusif melalui Skema Pembiayaan Kreatif

Policy Papers

Fatah, A. A. (2020) Optimalisasi Proyek Infrastruktur dengan Skema KPBU untuk Mitigasi Emisi Karbon: Analisa Strategi Pasca The Paris Agreement. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Brussels. Belgium. [link]

Dewi, K. E. & Fatah, A. A. (2020) Merespon Potensi Ekonomi Pasar Produk Perikanan Eropa dan Tuntutan Perlindungan Lingkungan. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Brussels. Belgium. [link]

Popular Articles

Fatah, A.A. (2022) Proyek Infrastruktur Rumah Sakit dengan Penerapan Prinsip Syariah. Media Indonesia. 26 June 2022. [link]

Fatah, A. A. (2020) Ketahanan Bangsa Melawan Pandemi Covid-19; sebuah Refleksi atas Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila. PT PII Essay Competition. 24 June 2020. [link]

Fatah, A. A. (2020) Tetap Membangun Kala Pandemi, Pemda Harus Apa? 27 Apr 2020. [link]